
Conference Presentations, Panels, and Posters

Barnes, H. (2019, August). This Video Does Not Exist: Curating the Digital Documentary. Society of American Archivists 2019 Annual Meeting – Research Forum, Austin, TX.  [peer reviewed talk]

Barnes, H. (2019, March). Conceptualizing and Curating the Digital Documentary. Society of North Carolina Archivists Annual Meeting, Wilmington, NC.  [poster]

Barnes, H. (2018, November). Conceptualizing and Curating the Digital Documentary. Association of Moving Image Archivists Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. [poster] 

Barnes, H. (2014, July).  Curation in the Wild: Developing Digital Preservation Assessment Models for Use in Community Documentary Projects. Archives Education Research Institute (AERI), Pittsburgh, PA. [poster]

Barnes, H. (2013, March). Preserving Film Festival Records. Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, 2014. [Panel: Documentary Film Festivals Activism, Education, and Archiving.]  [formal talk]

Barnes, H. (2011, July).  Preserving Film Festival Records: A Pilot Study. Archives Education Research Institute (AERI), Boston, MA. [Received Student Poster Award.]